360 Degree Marcom Inc., is an intelligent 360 degree Canada Premier Innovative Out-of-home Advertising, Marketing, Retail and Media Solutions Agency for non-traditional outdoor advertising.

It is specializing in engaging and delivering valuable audiences for advertisers through a variety of out-of-home formats. We provide products and services that connect brands to their target audiences. We are famous for the unrivaled impact and creativity of our medium. 

With a full range of out-of-home Advertising services and Media Experts, we deliver the highest quality advertising campaign to maximize your ROI, in Alberta and all across Canada. 

Our management team has its background firmly rooted in the advertising world, providing an exceptional understanding in dealing day-to-day with media agencies and business owners to help plan, execute and report the progress of your media plan from start to finish.



Nothing gets us more excited than out-of-home non-traditional media. Innovating the non-traditional media market at every turn with out-of-home media that includes Promo-Walker (Walking Billboard), Promo-Bike (Billboard bike), and Roadside Advertising Signs (RAS). We can expose your ads in your desired location during prime-time. When used strategically, our products attract more viewers than any other type of mobile advertisement.


We understand the power and influence of out-of-home Advertising.  We embrace change and take the lead in creating new markets, new formats, and new opportunities. We put fresh thinking and innovative approaches to work and develop a deep understanding of our client’s business to ensure that we are able to deliver targeted and relevant campaigns.